My Story of Hope and Faith

I was born in April and soon after my parents moved to a small town where I later started school. The example that my parents lived was of a loving relationship, respecting each other, showing affection, dealing with differences in a calm, respectful way, discussing and resolving issues behind closed …

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10 Years a Mom…

Most of our very special friends know the long and hard and sad journey my husband, Barry William Wienand and I walked for 5 years prior to our 10 years of parenthood, anxiously wanting to have children: doing 2x inseminations, then IVF no1, then IVF no2, finally pregnant with IVF …

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Where is God?

This thought takes me back to Grade 8 when I was still young, coming out of a loving home and very close family (a mommy’s boy). This was the year for the big move in my life to go to boarding school, the smallest guy in the school, lost between …

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