Coffee with a Gangster

On Sunday, 26 May 2019, the Minister in Church spoke about having a heart for the less privileged. He prayed that our hearts will be open towards the poor. As I sat in church, the first thought that came to mind was, “but how do we trust beggars these days?” …

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God’s Protection during our Burglary

12.10.2018 Background At 03h22 on 12.10.2018, Xtrasec, our Security Company, received notification of our panic alarm. They called us immediately and I said “Come! There’s someone in our house!” Six minutes later it was all over, but how much did we experience and learn during those six minutes… Earlier that …

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Room 1, Bed 2…

Melinda Koehler shares how God tought her the importance of prayer in Tanzania in 1997. In 2001 a Word from God to pray for her husband, Dan, saved him from certain death after being hit by a bus & being robbed while lying injured in the road. A former Hindu, convert …

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