Being Obedient

When our youngest son, Charles, was in primary school he fell while playing at school and hurt his elbow. After being operated on he developed a problem to keep any food down. After weeks of struggling, doctors discovered that the esophageal valve (slukderm klep) was damaged, and he needed an …

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Servant of God, standing in the gap

I attended a men’s fellowship, (called X 3de Kamp) where I met an older guy who testified that he never heard anything positive from his dad. He was always put down, told how useless he was and that he could never do anything right. His dad has since passed away …

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Outreach after Covid 19 Lockdown

The confinement of lockdown caught me and the handing out of Bibles was delayed. We were anxious to get away again and to tackle the work we would like to do. The moment it was permissible, we started driving around on weekends to hand out Bibles. Initially we drove from …

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Time to Move Again…

We were flicking through job ads, knowing it’s time to move on, our season Pietermaritzburg was over, but we had no idea where to next. So I gallantly, out of the blue, said to my husband “what about Addo?”….From a city to …well, we knew nothing of this little hamlet …

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Not Running…Following

In February 2019, my hubby, Matt, and I made one of the biggest, most life changing decisions we have had to make until now. We decided that we are moving to Canada. We’ve spoken about moving since we got married in 2016, but I could never quite get myself to …

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