On Thursday, 4 February 2016 after supper, I said to my husband, Stephen, that I had some baking to do for our son, Rorisang. Stephen went to bed as I started baking. After washing up I went to bed too. At quarter to twelve the dogs’ howling woke me. Before I could quiet them down they went silent. I realized that had a headache so I took a Disprin and suck it, trying to fall asleep again. After a while I went to the bathroom and felt something funny on my scalp, as if something was moving. I took two Spasmend to try and relieve the funny feeling on the top of my head but it just got worse. I woke Stephen and asked him to phone my two brothers to pray for me. He was startled and could not sleep again. I asked him to get me my rosary, that someone brought me after a visit to Rome and to place it on my head as we prayed together. Before that day I have never used this rosary. I changed my pajamas, asked him to take the medical aid card, credit card and extra pajamas and to take me to the hospital.
In hospital they asked me a lot of questions about my condition, to gather all the needed information – nothing was wrong but for the severe headache. I was given a drip with strong pain medication but it did not have any affect. The doctor referred me for a CT scan which revealed a bleed on my brain. The pain was immense. I was sedated until the following Tuesday.
Stephen tells about this time:
Friday morning when Bridget was sedated I met with dr. Blignaut. He was apologizing for taking too long to treat Bridgitte, not realizing that her condition was very serious. She already started to deteriorate, her condition much worse than it was earlier that morning. He was warning me that a coma like this can last anything from 2 weeks to 2 years. Having said that, he said that this could only be left in the hands of the Almighty. He did not have much hope for a good outcome.
At visiting hour my brother came and we sat there looking at Bridgitte not responding at all. Our minister, Masedi, came and prayed with us for a long time. Our daughter, Obakeng, was also visiting so my brother and I spoke to Masedi outside where I broke down crying, so desperate and scared. Masedi advised that we pray without end.
In the afternoon nothing changed. All the brothers and sisters came to visit, everyone was really worried and had different kinds of advice. I could only rely on God for direction.
At 7 that night I noticed that one of Bridgitte’s eyes was slightly open and that gave me a bit of hope. I met with the doctor that night. He said that he wanted to transfer her to Unitas because they have better facilities and very knowledgeable doctors.
On Saturday Brigitte’s eyes were open but she was not responding to anything, just blankly staring into space…
On Monday some tests were done. Those results were available late on Monday afternoon. Bridgitte woke up for the first time on that Tuesday just before she was transferred to Unitas. She woke up as she was being prepared to leave for Unitas.
Bridgitte continues with the details:
In Pretoria I was taken to theatre for an Angiogram to assess the problem. After it was done, Stephen went to dr. Labaschagne to discuss the results. The doctor could not see any problem! On the first scan, done in Rustenburg, the bleed was clearly visible but on the more advanced Angiogram there was nothing visible anymore! The doctor explained to Stephen that in one out of every 300 cases the damaged vein heals by itself and this is what happened!
From Tuesday until Thursday I stayed in Unitas to recover completely. No medical explanation can be given for my full recovery, with no bleeding or build up in the brain and no side effects afterwards.
All glory to God for complete healing and recovery.
I often wonder what made me immediately ask for my brothers to pray when this all started…
Many more prayers were prayed by a lot of the people in our family and faith community. Even afterwards many people are offering prayers of thanksgiving for my healing.
Bridgitte Mogapi
If and when this Testimony has spoken into your heart, please go to the Commitment page.
Dear Woman of God. I only read your testimony now which left me with tears streaming down my face. Nothing but tears of joy of course. This is an era in your life where His glory is manifested . When God’s glory covers you, no demonic force can ever stand in the way. This was a situation for revelation.
We give all the honour & praise; glory to the King of kings. “We shall continue to sing of His steadfast love, oh Lord forever, with our mouths we shall proclaim Your faithfulness to all generations” Psalm 89:1
May you continue to share your testimony. May you continue to be His ambassador!!
Bridgette is one of my three sisters, I can attest to what she had gone through and I truly and whole heartly believe that nothing is impossible with God and that her healing is the work of One and Only Jehova Jairah. Only He alone can perform such miracles and His name shall continually be in my mouth because He is our Saviour. He said by His stripes we are healed. I will magnify His name and praise Him alone.
Itumeleng Ramakobya