We stayed on Leeupoort, close to Bela Bela and I was employed on Swartklip when my son went on a school trip on 9 August 2000. I was phoned at work at 4 in the morning, being told that my son of 13 years had 3rd degree burn wounds over 80% of his body, after being trapped in a burning flat with a friend. Arriving at the hospital all I could see were his eyes, the rest of his body was covered in bandages. He was very brave and positive. He was transferred from Thabazimbi to Med Forum hospital where Dr Pierre Marais of the burn unit told me that my son had a 20% chance to survive.
The family came together in faith and prayer, trusting for full recovery and healing.
On 20 September he regained consciousness for the first time, a month after his 14th birthday. Everything had to be done for him, he had to re-learn to walk, amongst so many other recovery processes. At the time he was the first patient with such a degree of serious burn wounds who survived and recovered in such a short time. After only 8 weeks he could leave hospital, left with a lot of scars but strong and healthy. His last words to the doctor were: “Doctor, I’m a new man!”
Today he is married and the father of 2 beautiful boys. All honour to God for his healing and recovery.
Charles Gouws