The price of peace

Matthew 5: 9 – God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. We are to ask God for the strength and courage to live out His word. To follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit into the good works He has prepared for …

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Redeemed Child of God

Good morning, Beloveds. It is Thursday, 30 March 2023, today and as is practice by some of us, we wear black as we agree and stand together against violence and abuse against women and children. As I was preparing to share this with you, I am led to remind someone …

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Being Obedient

When our youngest son, Charles, was in primary school he fell while playing at school and hurt his elbow. After being operated on he developed a problem to keep any food down. After weeks of struggling, doctors discovered that the esophageal valve (slukderm klep) was damaged, and he needed an …

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Servant of God, standing in the gap

I attended a men’s fellowship, (called X 3de Kamp) where I met an older guy who testified that he never heard anything positive from his dad. He was always put down, told how useless he was and that he could never do anything right. His dad has since passed away …

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My son was saved

We stayed on Leeupoort, close to Bela Bela and I was employed on Swartklip when my son went on a school trip on 9 August 2000. I was phoned at work at 4 in the morning, being told that my son of 13 years had 3rd degree burn wounds over …

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Our Miracle Baby

During 2021 my daughter, Malaika, fell pregnant and immediately was advised to terminate the pregnancy due to growths discovered on the body of the baby. The family decided to make this a prayer issue instead and everyone joined in praying and fasting for a healthy pregnancy and baby. She went …

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