When asked why I wanted to share my story, I can think of two reasons.
I firmly believe that God warned me in a dream, woke me, and when I still did not pay attention, gave me the dream a second time. Early detection of cancer, because of God’s warning, saved my life!
Breast cancer is something that we often only associate with women but it can happen to men too. We need to pay attention and take care of our health.
Allow me to share my story:
My wife and I were really close to each other, to such an extent that when she was pregnant and suffered from morning sickness, I would be sick as well. After more than 30 years of marriage, early in 1988, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had the left breast removed in a mastectomy and afterwards went through both radiation and chemotherapy. On our wedding anniversary in October 1988, she fell very ill, the cancer was spreading. She died a few weeks later.
About three years later, in 1991 I had a dream that there was a lump in my left breast, just like the case was with my wife. I woke up and investigated but could not feel anything wrong. When I fell asleep again, I had the exact same dream. The next morning, as I was brushing my teeth, I noticed a lump at the bottom of my left breast.
I went to a doctor who did a biopsy. When the results came back, I was called to see the Oncologist. That really scared me as I then knew it was cancer! My left breast was removed completely. The cancer, however, was detected in the early stages, therefor no further radiation or chemotherapy was needed. Since then I have only had small skin blemishes removed, as precaution because of my history with cancer. Other than that I am completely healthy.
All glory to God.
Be blessed.
Hennie Möller