Masada, my Miracle, Building my Faith

The impression that a place like Masada leaves on you is everlasting. A majestic, steep mountain, towering above the surrounding arid area in central Israel. The place where the last of the Jews tried hundreds of years ago to stand their ground against the Roman forces trying to reach them from below. Over a period of three years the Romans slowly built a ramp on the side of the mountain, creeping up the side to conquer the Jews.

As we explored the settlements of the Jews on top of the mountain on an extremely hot day in May, I took some photos with my phone but suddenly noticed that I have lost it somewhere. I went back into the bath house which we just came through to ask a group of American tourist if someone perhaps picked it up, but to no avail. After searching the immediate area for a while, we decided to continue exploring the top of the mountain. As we walked about I made peace with the fact that the phone was gone, thankful that I have shared most of the photos of our trip with Charles and the others, at least it was not lost. All my most important information is kept on Google, so not lost either.

Charles, Marinda and Renen assured me that they have prayed and that I would find my phone soon enough, I had my doubts. It was difficult to decide if I should believe and have faith or if this was just another reminder that earthly possessions are not the most important things in our lives and that I must be at peace to part with it?

As we approached the top of the cable car station to leave, Charles suggested that I enquire from the ticket office and just let them know that I have lost my phone and was looking for it. I was in the middle of a very tedious explanation with language barriers and all when I felt a tap on the shoulder. As I turned John Human, an unknown to me, American tourist stood behind me, my phone in his hand! He was in the bath house earlier when I enquired about my phone. After I left a lady came in with my phone and asked their group if they perhaps have lost it. He took the phone and came looking for me, running all over the massive excavation site on top of the mountain, reaching the office at the same time as me.

I believe that God’s timing is perfect. Have we gone down before John came, there was no way that he would have been able to find me.

This was a reminder to me to always trust God, in small and big things, regardless of the odds, He even cares about our little phones! We serve a faithful God, we just need to keep our eyes open for His Hand in our lives.

Stephne Kendall



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