I greet you all in that wonderful name of our Saviour. Like so many others I know, I grew up in home where we went to church and Sunday school and did first Holy Communion and Confirmation. But that was not enough. Growing up we all long for a deeper relationship with God. At a young age I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour and as an adult I was baptized in the AFM church.
My daughter Steffi was about 2 when one day she developed a high fever. I thought it was the normal thing for a baby to run a high fever, therefore all I did at the time was to sponge her down with cold water in an effort to break the fever. When the fever did not break I decided to take her to the doctor.
When I got at the doctor he immediately admitted her at the local Medi-clinic. He told me later that she won’t make it through the night. I called my mother in East London and she told me to call in the Elders of the church and ask them to anoint Steffi with oil. My mother told me she would ask her sisters in Christ to intercede for us. I called the Pastor and told him what is happening. That afternoon he sent the Elders to come anoint Steffi. When they left I took her out of the oxygen tank where she was kept since she was admitted to the hospital. I decided to take her out and keep her on my lap. When the doctor came in he told me to put her back into the tank. I said to the doctor: ”You just told me my baby won’t make it. If she should die then she must die in my arms” and I just cried.
All I can say is that God heard the cry of a mother and all the prayers that went out for Steffi. This all happened almost 24 years ago and Steffi is doing great by, the grace of God.
I want to thank God for being so faithful. Remember there is no one that will stick closer than a brother or even a sister other than God. All will disappoint you but God will never leave nor forsake you.
Every day I thank God for the lives of my kids because it is by His grace that I have them in my life.
And remember what God did for me he can do for you too. People might think this can only happen to special people but let me remind you that God is there for all of us, not only for specific individuals. God loves us all. We should all testify because waking up in the morning and going to work is only by God’s grace.
God bless you
Juanita Rademeyer
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