Children’s Prayer Meeting

At Church we have a well-trained team who can attend to prayer needs of members, for commitment to Christ, forgiveness, healing or any other prayer need what so ever. After a Service someone can just meet with a team member in the Prayer Room. One evening after a Service I …

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From the Seed Spreads the Word…

“Show me a farmer who does not have a deep love for Creation and I will call you a liar.” To talk about farmers is impossible without acknowledging the Hand of the Father in their daily lives. As farmers, Kobie and Regina Klerck from Arnoldistad, on the way between Kroondal …

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God my Provider

There was a time of our lives when we were really struggling financially. We had to get used to new work circumstances and many a time I did not know how we will make ends meet. I had a few chicken and soon a number of eggs too. A neighbour …

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Leah’s healing…

Gerhard and I became foster parents of twins in July 2017 when they were 27 days old. Our little boy Tobi is a healthy, normal little guy but his sister Leah was born with a genetic disorder. She has a number of challenges but the biggest is the fact that …

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